Thursday 30 January 2020

Harm Reduction Part Twenty-Five: The Cliff

Ext. shot of AARON arriving at at strange house in a blazer and tie. He is carrying a briefcase. When he arrives at the front door he pauses, takes, a deep breath, and knocks.
JASPER opens the front door and nods his head signalling for AARON to follow him in. AARON and JASPER go up a flight of stairs and walk into a room where KW is sitting on a large billowy chair and JUSTIN is sitting shirtless and bloodied on a small wooden stool. His hands are cuffed behind his back.

AARON: (seeing JUSTIN)
Holy fuck. 


Is that the case?

What the fuck is going on?

Fuck Justin. Shut the fuck up.
Open the case.

AARON opens the case. There are several piles of cash in need stacks.

Hand it over.

Are you fucking paying for me?

Fuck Justin. What the fuck is wrong with you?

I just want to say...

JASPER walks over and punches JUSTIN in the face.




AARON hands the case to KW. He picks out some of the money and flips through it.

Ok done. Get out.

AARON points at JUSTIN.

Are you going to unlock him?

No. Get out.

Deal is I pay you and I get him.


C'mon man. Petey just gave me a ton of money to settle this.

It's settled.

A gun appears at AARON's temple. JASPER is holding it to his head.

It appears me and Jasper are in agreement that you should leave.

JASPER cocks the gun. AARON raises his hands in the air.

Ok. Ok. Ok. This is fucking wrong.

AARON turns to leave. In the reflection of a cracked mirror on the wall he sees Justin.
AARON pulls a gun out of his pants. He fires two shots. One hits JASPER in the centre of his forehead and theother into K.W>'s heart. They drop.
JUSTIN looks up at AARON who is shaking in disbelief of what he has just done.

Holy fuck.

They stare at each other.

The keys to the cuffs are over there in te cabinet. Second drawer down. Get me out of these things and I'll tell you what we're gonna do...

Thursday 19 July 2018

Harm Reduction Part Sixteen - Ghosts

Justin just said he has a gift and that he knows there's a ghost on the fourth stair of the staircase going down to the basement. He's so full of shit.

Justin's a homeless drug addict who pays people to kill my relatives. If he says he has a only one gift and that it makes him see a ghost on the fourth stair then there's a ghost on the fucking fourth stair.

There's a question I have always been meaning to ask you.

The answer is one.

There's one ghost in this house.


Who is it?

I'm really not supposed to tell you.

Well you can't just leave me hanging like that.

Ok. It's not your Dad and it's not your Mom cause I know that's where your mind is going.

Who the fuck else could it be?

Thank God you're pretty.

Am I missing something?

The ghost is here for me.

JUSTIN and PETE are sitting at a desk in an office in a bank.

Do I've collected all the paperwork and I'll just need a few signatures and the money should arrive by tomorrow.
So just to summarize this will be a $30000 equity loan against the current market value of your home which is 1.5 million dollars.

JUSTIN is incredulous.

Holy fuck.
Your house is worth THAT?!

Monday 11 December 2017

Harm Reduction Part Fifteen - Jail

(Int, Day)
PETE sits in a jail waiting room with several other prisoners. He takes a deep breath and pounds his fists on the cement wall.
A Guy walks by PETE and bumps into him.

Sorry man.

Don't do that again.

The GUY gives him a little nudge again:


If you do that again I will fucking kill you.:

I bet your momma's proud of you.

I killed my mom.

Int. day. Prison waiting room for visitors. Several people and kids milling around. JUSTIN sits at a table.

Int. day. Waiting room.

Ya right. You're a fucking whackjob. You killed your momma?
What'd she do to you.

Nothing. She didn't do anything.

Who's here to see you?

Don't know.

(Int, Day.) Prison visitor's waiting room.
(acknowledging other prisoners seeing their families.

Hey Skittles. Hey Bomber. (he nods) Hey Sweat.

Int. Day Waiting Room.
PETE takes a deep breath,
Pete Kopecky.

There is a buzzes and a metal door slides open. PETE walks through it and into the waiting room.
He sees JUSTIN:

PETE: (to himself)
What the fuck is he doing here.

PETE walks up to JUSTIN.
I came out here to see you? 

I thought I'd see how you're doing. I see the thug life is treating you well.

I am only here because of you. You set me up you prick.

Well, it was very obvious you needed some time off. So you're welcome.

Time off from what? You don't even know me.

Oh, I know you.

Friday 10 March 2017

Harm Reduction Part Fourteen - Arrested

This part continues in the FLOP HOUSE after Part Three.

Int. Morning, Flop House. PETE is sleeping on a cot in JUSTIN'S arms.
PETE slowly wakes up and, upon realizing he is next to JUSTIN he jumps with a start.

Oh my God! Who the fuck are you?
My name is Justin and I am going to love you for the rest of your life.

You don't even know me you freak.

PETE looks around desperately for his clothes.
Did we...?

No, we did not have sex. I just thought you would be more comfortable and, also, I wanted to see what was under there.

Who the fuck do you think you are?

I am your new boyfriend. I have been waiting for you a long time.

You've never even met me before.
Where are my clothes?

There are no closets or dressers in this crack den so I placed them gently on the floor.

PETE gets dressed while JUSTIN talks.

So from what I gather from your situation is that the police and your family are probably looking for you and I would assume there are some legal matters pertaining to your newfound home ownership that need some seeing to so might I suggest you remove your clothes again, lie back down with me, and do a line and we can discuss the matters at hand.

Are you for real?

Very much so.

JUSTIN, who is still naked, is tattooed from neck to ankle. PETE looks him up and down.

So what's the deal with all the tats?

I had a boyfriend who hated them so I would get one every time he pissed me off.

You're covered.

He pissed me off a lot.

PETE laughs a little. There is silence. PETE drifts off to sleep in JUSTIN'S arms.

INT flop house. Next day.

What day is it? I feel like I slept forever. How did that happen when I was doing coke?

Oh, that wasn't coke.

What was it?


What the fuck?! What did you give me that for?

You've had a bad couple of days. I thought you could use the sleep..

Fuck you man.

...and bliss.

But I snorted a ton. I could have OD'd.

Na. I was watching you.

All night?


Don't you sleep?

How could I sleep when I had you here to admire.


And I apologize. I licked you a couple of times again. I can't help it.

Wow. Ok.

By the way if the cops show up this heroin is yours.

Excuse me?

C'mon. Be nice. Looks like you're in more trouble anyway.

Ya, but...

Remember how I said if the cops show up this heroin is yours.

Ya, five seconds ago.

JUSTIN throws the bag of heroin over to PETE

Well they're here.

How do you know?

The door busts open and four SWAT cops run in guns drawn.

PETE and JUSTIN are cuffed, taken outside and pulled apart in the direction of two different cruisers,

Pete yells out.

My name is Pete Kopecky. K-O-P-E-C-K-Y

Justin made a mental note of what PETE had just said.

Saturday 3 December 2016

Harm Reduction Part Thirteen - I Killed My Mother

17-year-old PETE arrives at home obviously disheveled. His mother JULIA meets him at the door.

Are you high?


You have been missing for four days.

I know where I was.

We are getting sick of this.

Who exactly is we?

Ed and I. And we have to lie to your brothers. I don't get it. You want for nothing. You have a safe and happy home.

It isn't safe.

Well I don't see why you have to skip school and such.

I said it isn't safe.


You know why I do what I do.

I most certainly do not.

Then why do you take all those pills? For fun?

I have issues with my nerves.

Is that right?
Mother, I get high for the same reason you do.

You get high because you are a hedonist.

You get high because of the big secret hanging over the both of us.
Mother, if I called the police to tell them why I really get high you would lose your house and your children. Know that.

You would never.

I think I'll call them right now.

JULIA begins to shakes and runs for her pills. She goes to the medicine cabinet...

You'll notice a few are missing.

PETE picks up the phone and starts dialing. His mother desperately tries to pull the receiver out of his hands.

Please don't.

So you know. You don't want me to call the police for the reason I just said. You would lose everything.

Please just don't.

PETE (into the receiver)
Ya, hi, um, ya the police please. Sure I'll hold.

I beg of you Peter don't do this,

PETE (to Julia)
So you know what I'm going to tell them. (back into the receiver) Ya, hi, my name is Pete Kopecky and I... (Pete hangs up the phone but Julia thinks he is still connected.)...I would like to report a sexual assault. Ya, 8 a.m.? Sure. 32 Howard St. Thanks.
PETE: Hangs up his fake phone call.

Oh Pete, Please. Keep it between Ed and me.

And who else ma.

Well, and you.

Ya, me ma. The victim. You forgot about me.
And no. You harass me about my drugs and I can very easily wreck your little life, I have the power now. The cops are coming at 8 a.m. and I am going to tell them that your husband is a pedafile, and they are going to take your children from you and I will label you complicit and this house will go to me and I will kick you out. So ya I might be high all the time but fuck if I haven't thought this through.

You would never.

The cops are coming at 8 a.m. tomorrow morning and I am telling them everything.
And the funny thing is, mother, is that you don't even know if he has ever stopped molesting me. Well it has stopped mother. It stopped when I got big enough to beat the shit out of him. Remember a few years ago when he showed up pretty messed up. That was the day it ended. That was the day your forgotten son took care of things himself..
And tomorrow morning when I tell the cops it ends for good. For all of us.

JULIA runs from the room.

INT: Pete's bedroom. Next morning.ED comes in and wakes PETE up.

Your mother hes overdosed on her pills and she is dead. The ambulance and the police are on their way.

ED leaves the room.

Pete thought, oh my God, she did that because I threatened to have the police come over. He thought about it a few minutes. He realized he wasn't sad or guilty. After a little while there was a knock at the door. It was the police. There was a knock at his bedroom door, It was ED.

The police are here and they want to speak to you.

PETE put some clothes on and went downstairs. He passed quickly past his mother's room where there were some strange people milling about. He saw only his mother's feet,

We understand you placed a call to 911 at 7 p.m. last night. Why was that?

I thought my mother was in distress.

But then you hung up.

I reconsidered it,

Guess you were wrong.

Guess so.

PETE went upstairs and gathered a few things in a duffel bag, He left and went to a flop house he knew, On that November Thursday he lost his mother, inherited a house and, at the flop house, met Justin Denny, It was the last part that would affect the rest of his life the most. be continued

Saturday 3 September 2016

Harm Reduction Part Twelve - You Killed My Dad

INT day Kopecky kitchen.
ANDY is cooking eggs at the stove and JUSTIN is sitting at the table.

How are you Andy?

Andy stops.

I'm ok Justin. Thank you for asking.
They state at each other.
ANDY appears to tear up.
You're not ok are you

Justin my father was just murdered. And you're the first person who has asked me if I'm  ok.

So are you?

People comforted Robbie.  People comforted Sam. People even went up to Pete and they think he had something to do with this.

Andy you are so put together and healthy looking and you give off this air of self confidence to the point that I think people assume you're fine.

Would it kill some one to ask?

And by the way Pete had nothing to do with this

Did you kill my dad?

No I didn't

Do you know who did?

Ya, I do

Why would someone do this?

Because I asked him to.

ANDY (sobbing)
But Justin, he was my dad.

I'm sorry Andy but to me he was the monster who ruined the life of the man I love. I can't see past that.
Pete let him  live here to raise you boys. Pete said he would get rid of him as soon as you boys were grown. That happened and Ed was still here. 
What do I do about that?

It's so fucking tragic. 
I know what my dad did to him but did it really have to go like this?

Ya  Andy it did. And I am fully aware you don't get that and right now Pete doesn't get it either

Couldn't you have just left it alone?

Not anymore. No fucking way.
(ANDY is crying).
Andy this was inevitable

The answer is I'm broken


You asked how am I?

I did

And to think you made this happen and a tiny part of me thinks you might have been justified is a little hard to wrap my mind around.

Look at me Andy.
This was not only justified, for your brother it was long overdue

What you are saying to me is so fucked up and still I'm giddy over the thought that you are taking the time to explain it all to me

I get it.

How screwed up is it that the only person who has offered me any kind of comfort since my dad was killed is the guy who set it up.
Nothing around here is normal.
Do you want an egg?

Ya, I'd love one.

In the next scene Andy and Justin sit at the kitchen table eating

I feel bad that my actions have traumatized you.

Justin I have been generally traumatized for years


Well, let's think about it. I live in a house owned by my drug addicted brother who; by the way, was sent to jail for convincing my mother to kill herself. Oh, and my brother's drug addicted boyfriend (he points at Justin) you, appears to be a permanent resident of my home  And finally, my youngest brother, as sweet and innocent ass a new-born kitten, has gone one step further and is dating a drug dealer.
So, ya, I'm a little traumatized.

Oh, and I almost forgot, that drug addicted boyfriend of my brother appears to have convinced someone, I don't even know who, to kill my dad.
Yup, that's what's up with me.

I do see how that might be the case.

(Andy sighs) Fuck me.
I have lived my whole life on the straight and narrow. Kind, polite, all around nice guy. I eat well. I work out. Get good grades. All of it. The supposed foundations of a happy good life. Ok
That is not what is happening.
And no offense but all you guys despite your bad behaviour and criminal activity seem to all be just la-di-fucking-da. You in particular don’t seem to have a job or a home and yet with a wave of your hand every homo in this city cowers and waits for your instructions. How is that, Justin? Are you God? Are you the devil?


What the fuck  is so awesome exactly?

You. Angry. I knew it was in there somewhere. I’m fascinated.

ANDY is teary. He serves JUSTIN an egg. He puts one on a plate for himself and sits at the table. JUSTIN is staring at him with a wry smile on his face.

…and stop staring at me.

You are a very complex young man.

(annoyed) Really Justin?  Ya, that’s it. Complex  So complex and good looking that I intimidate people. So much so that I don’t have any friends.

I’ll be your friend.

I don’t think that’ll work out considering right now I want to punch you in the face.

That would be hot.

You are fucking crazy.

…And to answer your questions. I am certainly not God. The devil? I just might be him.

Monday 5 October 2015

Harm Reduction Part Eleven - Ed Dies

The morning Ed Burrows' head was shot off was no different than any other.
Ed got up at 7 to the smell of his coffee already brewed by the auto-timed coffee maker. Andy was in the living room stretching for his run. Sam was over at Vinita's. Robbie was snoring in bed and Pete was passed out on his bedroom floor having not had the energy to get into bed after a five-day drug bender.
Justin was not around.
Tommy was across the street from the house with a finger on the trigger waiting for Ed to come out for the paper. He had his instructions.
He would get one shot probably. That was it.
Justin had shot up with Tommy the night before and had given him very specific details on where to stand and what to do. He promised Tommy there was no way he would get caught.
The gun popped and Ed's head exploded. Tommy couldn't believe his luck.One shot. One hit. Justin will be very proud. Tommy stood there observing his work. He almost forgot to run away.
Andy saw the body first. Robbie second. Someone went up and got Pete.
Pete looked down at the destroyed body of the man who had destroyed his life. He was paralyzingly aware that this event would solve a lot of his problems and create many new ones.

Tommy sent a text to Justin. "I have done it. Forgot plan. Where do I go now?"
While he waited for an answer Tommy went to the local diner. The thought that he was a murderer never crossed his mind. He had tucked the gun into the back of his pants. He really didn't know how that thing worked. He only knew what Justin had told him.
He plopped himself down in a booth and the gun went off.

The boys looked down at Ed's body. Nobody moved.
Ed's skull had been so shattered there was nothing they could do.
Robbie covered his mouth with his hands. There was no noise coming out of him.
Andy knelt on the porch. His eyes raised to meet Pete's gaze.
Pete said simply, "I didn't do this."

Justin responded to Tommy. He said, "Go home."

Everything in the diner came to a complete stop. People thought they had heard a gun go off but nobody appeared to have been shot and no one saw a gun.
Tommy stayed as still as possible. "Oh my God," he thought. "I just shot myself in the ass." He held a napkin behind him and limped off to the bathroom. It hurt like fuck.

Justin looked at the guy in the bed. He couldn't remember his name.
"Hey Jay," he said.
"it's Joe you moron," the guy replied.
"I gotta go."
Justin put his clothes on  and walked out the door.
He headed to Pete's place. He could only imagine what was going on there. On the way he practiced a few variations of his game-face. Surprise and then concern. Should be ok. He was thinking that the surprise should probably last a little longer than the concern.

At some point he would have to pull Pete aside and tell him what he had done.

Tommy went into a toilet stall and pulled his pants down. His ass hurt like fuck. It appeared he hadn't shot himself but there was a nice round hole in his jeans. He assumed there must be a bullet in his seat out in the diner. He went back out and gingerly sat down. His breakfast had arrived. I will tie a tablecloth around my waste when I leave, he thought. And no one will know any better.

Justin headed over to Pete's place. He had no idea what he was going to see.

Andy had made the 911 call. Pete grabbed the phone out of Andy's hands and called Ben.

"Hey, What's Up?" said Ben in his normal calm way.
Pete tried to sound the same.
"I am standing on my porch looking at Ed's dead body. Someone has shot his head off."
"Oh my God. Have you called anyone except me?"
"The world is aware of this," said Pete. "And I don't know what to do."
Ben said he would be right there.

Justin had arrived and was standing in the small field across the street from Pete's house behind a small utility shed. He peeked around the side and did an assessment. Lots of people on and around the porch. Sirens in the distance,
"There's a lot of damage here." he thought.
With reassurance he  said to himself:
"But this was necessary."

Tommy arrived home.
His mother asked why he was wearing a tablecloth.
He said, "because I shot myself and put a big hole in my jeans."
He walked passed her and went to bed.
She questioned all the money her and her husband spent on Tommy's therapy Still making stuff up, all the time.
Tommy told his parents such outlandish stories that they were convinced he was a compulsive liar.
Truth is Tommy never lied.

Pete heard the sirens coming too. He hoped Ben would get there first but it was unlikely.
To his left across the little field he saw a dark shadow near the shed. Someone was watching and hiding. The figure came around and into full view.
It was Justin.

Pete left the porch and walked across the field towards Justin. Justin approached Pete as well. When they met Justin simply said, "So?"
Pete punched him smack in the middle of his face.
Justin fell backward and landed with a loud thud on the ground. A loud thud on soft fresh snow.
He gathered himself and stood up. Blood dripped from his nose.
In halting words and struggling for breath Pete said simply, "What have you done?"
Justin opened his mouth to speak and Pete clocked him again.
On his back, Justin screamed, "Stop hitting me!"
Pete began, "I know you did this and how dare you. Who the fuck do you think you are?"
Justin scrambled back up to his feet."
"What make you think I had anything to do with this?"
Pete punched him square in the face a third time. Justin collapsed to the ground again. Pete walked over, put his foot across Justin's throat and pushed into the ground. He leaned over the the now suffocating and immobilized Justin and said, "I know you did this because I just beat the shit out of you and you didn't defend yourself."
Pete removed his foot. Justin coughed and gasped to get his breath.
"I'm sorry. I had to make a decision for you."
"This wasn't your decision to make."

Fuck you punch hard.

JUSTIN is bleeding profusely from his nose.

I held back you fucking jerk. Who did you get to do this? And get behind the shed. You are at your own crime scene.

JUSTIN and PETE move behind the shed.

I got Tommy to do it,

Fuck me. 

I did this for you.

What the fuck are you talking about? Have you lost your mind?

Ten years ago you said that when your brothers didn't need their dad any more you would kill him.

So what?

They don't need him any more and you weren't doing it.

PETE pauses and backs away.

I was going to.


Pete doesn't know how to answer this and stares at the ground. Justin wipes the blood off his face with his scarf.

You were never going to do this.

PETE walks away.

(yelling) Were you?

PETE continues walking back to the house.

Where are you going?

PETE turns.

I am going back to my home to take care of my brothers. They just lost their dad.

Where am I supposed to go?

I don't care.

PETE walks further away. His back to JUSTIN

I know you can hear me!

PETE turns around.

(in tears) You are the only person I trust. How dare you.

One day you will get this.
I did this for you.

PETE turns away and walks faster. He turns quickly.

Next time get me some fucking mittens.

Poetry aside Petey, I really have nowhere to go.

PETE doesn't turn around.

And for the record, Speaking as your boyfriend, The outfit your have chosen for this horrific occurrence is really bad. 

PETE charges back to JUSTIN, who raises his arms in defense, and clocks him one last time.