Monday, 5 October 2015

Harm Reduction Part Eleven - Ed Dies

The morning Ed Burrows' head was shot off was no different than any other.
Ed got up at 7 to the smell of his coffee already brewed by the auto-timed coffee maker. Andy was in the living room stretching for his run. Sam was over at Vinita's. Robbie was snoring in bed and Pete was passed out on his bedroom floor having not had the energy to get into bed after a five-day drug bender.
Justin was not around.
Tommy was across the street from the house with a finger on the trigger waiting for Ed to come out for the paper. He had his instructions.
He would get one shot probably. That was it.
Justin had shot up with Tommy the night before and had given him very specific details on where to stand and what to do. He promised Tommy there was no way he would get caught.
The gun popped and Ed's head exploded. Tommy couldn't believe his luck.One shot. One hit. Justin will be very proud. Tommy stood there observing his work. He almost forgot to run away.
Andy saw the body first. Robbie second. Someone went up and got Pete.
Pete looked down at the destroyed body of the man who had destroyed his life. He was paralyzingly aware that this event would solve a lot of his problems and create many new ones.

Tommy sent a text to Justin. "I have done it. Forgot plan. Where do I go now?"
While he waited for an answer Tommy went to the local diner. The thought that he was a murderer never crossed his mind. He had tucked the gun into the back of his pants. He really didn't know how that thing worked. He only knew what Justin had told him.
He plopped himself down in a booth and the gun went off.

The boys looked down at Ed's body. Nobody moved.
Ed's skull had been so shattered there was nothing they could do.
Robbie covered his mouth with his hands. There was no noise coming out of him.
Andy knelt on the porch. His eyes raised to meet Pete's gaze.
Pete said simply, "I didn't do this."

Justin responded to Tommy. He said, "Go home."

Everything in the diner came to a complete stop. People thought they had heard a gun go off but nobody appeared to have been shot and no one saw a gun.
Tommy stayed as still as possible. "Oh my God," he thought. "I just shot myself in the ass." He held a napkin behind him and limped off to the bathroom. It hurt like fuck.

Justin looked at the guy in the bed. He couldn't remember his name.
"Hey Jay," he said.
"it's Joe you moron," the guy replied.
"I gotta go."
Justin put his clothes on  and walked out the door.
He headed to Pete's place. He could only imagine what was going on there. On the way he practiced a few variations of his game-face. Surprise and then concern. Should be ok. He was thinking that the surprise should probably last a little longer than the concern.

At some point he would have to pull Pete aside and tell him what he had done.

Tommy went into a toilet stall and pulled his pants down. His ass hurt like fuck. It appeared he hadn't shot himself but there was a nice round hole in his jeans. He assumed there must be a bullet in his seat out in the diner. He went back out and gingerly sat down. His breakfast had arrived. I will tie a tablecloth around my waste when I leave, he thought. And no one will know any better.

Justin headed over to Pete's place. He had no idea what he was going to see.

Andy had made the 911 call. Pete grabbed the phone out of Andy's hands and called Ben.

"Hey, What's Up?" said Ben in his normal calm way.
Pete tried to sound the same.
"I am standing on my porch looking at Ed's dead body. Someone has shot his head off."
"Oh my God. Have you called anyone except me?"
"The world is aware of this," said Pete. "And I don't know what to do."
Ben said he would be right there.

Justin had arrived and was standing in the small field across the street from Pete's house behind a small utility shed. He peeked around the side and did an assessment. Lots of people on and around the porch. Sirens in the distance,
"There's a lot of damage here." he thought.
With reassurance he  said to himself:
"But this was necessary."

Tommy arrived home.
His mother asked why he was wearing a tablecloth.
He said, "because I shot myself and put a big hole in my jeans."
He walked passed her and went to bed.
She questioned all the money her and her husband spent on Tommy's therapy Still making stuff up, all the time.
Tommy told his parents such outlandish stories that they were convinced he was a compulsive liar.
Truth is Tommy never lied.

Pete heard the sirens coming too. He hoped Ben would get there first but it was unlikely.
To his left across the little field he saw a dark shadow near the shed. Someone was watching and hiding. The figure came around and into full view.
It was Justin.

Pete left the porch and walked across the field towards Justin. Justin approached Pete as well. When they met Justin simply said, "So?"
Pete punched him smack in the middle of his face.
Justin fell backward and landed with a loud thud on the ground. A loud thud on soft fresh snow.
He gathered himself and stood up. Blood dripped from his nose.
In halting words and struggling for breath Pete said simply, "What have you done?"
Justin opened his mouth to speak and Pete clocked him again.
On his back, Justin screamed, "Stop hitting me!"
Pete began, "I know you did this and how dare you. Who the fuck do you think you are?"
Justin scrambled back up to his feet."
"What make you think I had anything to do with this?"
Pete punched him square in the face a third time. Justin collapsed to the ground again. Pete walked over, put his foot across Justin's throat and pushed into the ground. He leaned over the the now suffocating and immobilized Justin and said, "I know you did this because I just beat the shit out of you and you didn't defend yourself."
Pete removed his foot. Justin coughed and gasped to get his breath.
"I'm sorry. I had to make a decision for you."
"This wasn't your decision to make."

Fuck you punch hard.

JUSTIN is bleeding profusely from his nose.

I held back you fucking jerk. Who did you get to do this? And get behind the shed. You are at your own crime scene.

JUSTIN and PETE move behind the shed.

I got Tommy to do it,

Fuck me. 

I did this for you.

What the fuck are you talking about? Have you lost your mind?

Ten years ago you said that when your brothers didn't need their dad any more you would kill him.

So what?

They don't need him any more and you weren't doing it.

PETE pauses and backs away.

I was going to.


Pete doesn't know how to answer this and stares at the ground. Justin wipes the blood off his face with his scarf.

You were never going to do this.

PETE walks away.

(yelling) Were you?

PETE continues walking back to the house.

Where are you going?

PETE turns.

I am going back to my home to take care of my brothers. They just lost their dad.

Where am I supposed to go?

I don't care.

PETE walks further away. His back to JUSTIN

I know you can hear me!

PETE turns around.

(in tears) You are the only person I trust. How dare you.

One day you will get this.
I did this for you.

PETE turns away and walks faster. He turns quickly.

Next time get me some fucking mittens.

Poetry aside Petey, I really have nowhere to go.

PETE doesn't turn around.

And for the record, Speaking as your boyfriend, The outfit your have chosen for this horrific occurrence is really bad. 

PETE charges back to JUSTIN, who raises his arms in defense, and clocks him one last time.  

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Harm Reduction Part Ten: Pete and Andy

INT: Café.
Pete and Andy and are sitting across from each other at a table. They are both looking remarkably uncomfortable.

So why am I here.

I told you I wanted to ask you something.

I can't imagine what that would be considering you don't really know me.

The two of them sit in uncomfortable silence until Andy breaks the ice.

Your friend Justin seems really nice.

Look Andy if you're going to try and butter me up with compliments at least make them about me.

Why are you always so mean to me?

I don't know Andy. You just make it so easy. And is that the question you had to ask me? Cause if it is this is a huge waste of my time.

I mean really. I have spent days and nights trying to figure out what it is I did or said to cause this dislike you have for me. And you know what? I can't find anything. Nothing. So what is it?

My discomfort is so real right now it's like another person sitting at the table.

So what is it?

Well I hate to break it to you my dear brother but there isn't a reason. You didn't do anything and you didn't say anything. I just don't like you. I don't care about you and I don't think about you. You are just there.

Do you know how that makes me feel?

I don't care. Now what's this question you had to ask me?

Did my Dad sexually molest you?

Wow. And may I ask why you think that may be a possibility?

I was thinking about some stuff and it fits. Makes sense.

Really. Enlighten me. Better yet, let's analyze this. So if I say no he didn't that's pretty embarrassing for you, right?

I guess.

And what if I say yes Andy. What if I say ya your Dad not only molested me but he also raped me.

Well that would be terrible.

And what if I told that he started off trying to make friends with me and earn my trust.

And what if I told you that over time he started touching me in places he shouldn't have,


And what if I told you that he said if I told anyone he would kill you boys.

His sons?

Yes Andy. You and Sam and Robbie.

Look Andy, you are the last person on earth I thought I would tell this too. So don't think you have have a coup of information of something just forget it.

ANDY is sobbing.

I didn't want to hear any of this.

But you asked.
And you know what dumb ass now maybe you'll sit back and think wow my big bro offered up his ass to save my life. 
Strange but true, eh?
So maybe now I should stop trying to figure him out and just leave him alone.

You don't seem so mad at Sam and Robbie.

Well Andy. That would be because you look like your Dad. You sound like your Dad. You even have the same stupid walk.

But I'm not him. That doesn't make sense.

Andy, I'm a a gay drug addict multiple rape victim. Every once in a while I might not make sense.

So what do I do to fix this.

You can't fix it Andy. It just is. Look I've been nicer than I've ever wanted to be to you by giving you enough crap to explain why I'm mean to you. Go home and think about it and then forget it. OK. We're done.

Maybe we should talk this out.

You know what Andy? The discomfort I feel sitting here with you is so strong it's like another person sitting at the table.

Well I feel like I owe you something for protecting me.

Well, ya, Andy. You do. And do you what pisses me off. He never had any intention of hurting you. When I realized that I just lost my mind. Do you know that when you were two I kidnapped you?

Ya, I kind of heard about that.

Did you ever wonder why?

I just thought it was a story. I didn't know for sure.

Well, dear brother, one day I took it upon myself to pull you out of your crib and run away with you.


Because I thought that your Dad would do to you what he did to me.

Where were going to take me?

Forgive me. I was nine. The plan went as far as hiding us both in a lump of grass by the creek. Some details were missing.

So what happened?

We got found. You went back to your crib and I went to a mental institution.

Didn't you do that again?