Thursday 22 November 2012

Harm Reduction Part Four - Pete and Justin

INT  Flop House
The next morning:
Pete has woken up in Justin's arms.

So Pete did, in fact, inherit the big old Jaffey house.
But now, he had a problem.
He couldn't move back in there with Ed in the house and if he kicked Ed out he would take his little brothers with him. Pete wouldn't allow that. His intentions were always to not disrupt his brothers' lives no matter what.
So Pete came up with the fancy idea that he would rent an apartment, live there, and charge Ed rent to live in his house with his little brothers. A half-assed status quo.
Justin had two things to say about all of this.
"First of all,: he began, "That means your tenant is also your rapist. And that's fucked up. Second, keep it in the back of your mind that I'm kind of homeless. Just sayin."

"You said that before.: Pete said.
Pete had turned 18 by now and was able to rent a place. And, yes, Justin came with him.
Along with money from his father's life insurance and a steady rental income from Ed, Pete realized he was set. For now. His focus was having enough money for drugs and alcohol. And also having enough money for Justin's drugs and alcohol. He did. For now.

Pete and Justin would live together for the next 10 years.
It was the best time of Pete's life so far.
Although there was nothing story-worthy physical between them Justin and Pete had a deep loving relationship over those years. They discussed their drug and alcohol problem only sporadically and usually only after a particularly dangerous situation, e.g. a bar fight with knives and/or a drag queen. One of them would say, "Ok. That was a little crazy." Then they would giggle. Justin and Pete were kind of mouthy and prone to mild violence when drunk or high in public. Pete had overheard one guy who was pointing at him say, "Watch out for the little fag in the corner. He's vicious."  Pete took that as a compliment.
Pete and Justin were well known around the party circuit as a dangerous duo. People either admired them or feared them. As a life-long self-perceived victim Pete enjoyed being near Justin's confident bravado. Designer bravado. Justin was always dressed and always acted just right. Pete always felt like he was just "there." Well until the drugs and music started. And then Pete would feel comfortable and happy. And in the presence of Justin, safe.
Justin would try to dress Pete well. "Somehow Pete," Justin would say," I spend a lot or your money on designer clothes and yet you always make it look like you're wearing a potato sack."
There were 5 bars around their place and one by one they got barred from each. However, by the time they got barred from the fifth one enough time had passed that they would be allowed back in the first one. They boys thought this was very clever. This cycle went on for years.
Justin and Pete would move about every six months, usually when they decided their apartment was too dirty to clean.
Over the years the amount of drugs they were doing increased. Slowly, unnoticed and dangerous. The amount of money Pete was receiving was not matching the amount they were spending. Justin described their spiral as a kind of ride at the fun fair - super exhilarating, slightly nauseating.

One day Pete's brother Robbie came into Pete's room.
I have come the realization that you are a drug addict and I have reserved a space for you in treatment." 
What the fuck.

Pete told Justin everything.
"So," Justin said, "Are you ok?"
"My brother thinks I'm a drug addict."
"You are."
"That little shit has it in for me."

Pete sat in silence.

"The man who raped you is still around you Pete." said Justin changing the subject away from the scary thoiught of recovery..

Pete cupped his hands around his face and slumped back on the couch.

"I know."


"I guess I can move back into my house, whack Ed, and take care of those boys."
"You can't take care of yourself Pete."
"I know"

"But I can give it a shot. I would love to move in with my brothers and stop doing this shit."
"Don't you dare get sober without me,." said Justin.

"Robbie said I am supposed to go in a week."
"Pete. Ok look let's look at this rationally. Come here and do a couple lines so you can think straight."
In a weird way that made sense.

"Ok," said Pete. "Then we have a timeframe."

Deep down Pete didn't think it would be possible.
He watched Justin do a couple lines of coke.

"Can you help me do this Justin?"

"As God is my witness, I will help you do anything except get sober."

Throughout his years of heavy drug and alcohol abuse Pete always knew what the next move would be. Find, purchase and use.
It was so very simple for a long time.
But it suddenly wasn't working anymore. It wasn't enough.
And that scared him to death.

Pete finally had no choice but to did move back into his own house. With the man who raped him. Unwhacked. And, of course, with Justin in tow.

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